Roaster's Ramblings
I really enjoy a good cup of coffee or ten. One of my favorite places to stop and think and drain a few gallons of the good stuff is Roasters here in Amarillo.
Sometimes I just enjoy sitting back and listening as the people talk back and forth across tables and sometimes across the room. A few nights ago, I overheard a conversation that made me stop and think.
One young lady was bragging to her friends that her birthday was coming up and she was going to get a tattoo for her birthday. I don't want to get into the whole tattoo-Biblical issue (we'll tackle that one later), but what really got me was that she repeatedly refered to the fact that her dad didn't want her to get the tattoo. Not only did he not want her to get one, he threatened to throw her out of the house if she got one. And she didn't care. Her comments were in the line of, "I'm almost eighteen now and he'll get over it."
Now that's my rub. She had NO respect for her father's opinion and planned on completely disregarding his wishes.
I just don't get it. Was she wrong in the fact that since she is now approaching the age of majority, she no longer needed to respect her father or heed his wishes?
Let's take a survey through the Word and see what we're told there:
Exodus 20:12 "Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving to you."
Ephesians 6:1-3 "Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 'Honor your father and mother'--which is the first commandment with a promise--'that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth."
In fact there was a punishment laid out in the Law for dishonoring parents that Jesus Himself refers to in Mark 7:10, "Anyone who curses his father or mother must be put to death." This was accomplished by stoning the offending offspring to death in the center of town so they would be an example to all the children of the city.
I need another cup, so I'll sign off for now and fill up. More later...
Sola Scriptura
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