Tuesday, April 11, 2006

If It's Too Loud...

One of my passions is music. No I can't play and by no means can I sing...in fact I sound very much like a drowning cat when I try to sing, but I am very moved by music. I grew up in the eighties listening to 'Hair Bands' (if you don't know what they are, you are truly blessed) at very high volumes.

After I was saved, I got rid of my secular music. I listen to almost 100% Christian music. I know that there are arguments (some of them very good ones) for and against the Christian music scene that is out there today. But I can say that I would rather listen to a "Christian" song that sounds like every other 'Boy Band' out there than pollute my mind with the dribble that is pawned off as modern music.

As I returned a movie tonight to the local video store, the CD was playing and it was Todd Agnew's new album. The third track was playing and it hit me like a ton of bricks. As we celebrate the Passion Week and come upon Good Friday, I was listening to these lyrics:

"Each crack of that whip was for my mistakes
Blood is on my hands
Each stumble up that hill was my step to take
Blood is on my hands
How do I say thanks for this"

Each and every day I stumble. Some days there are just those little hiccups in the road and I go on. Others are the big pot holes that I fall into and it takes a while, sometimes a long while, to get up and going again.

And it was because of those stumbles that He was stricken. It was because of MY failings that He was crucified. He was perfect. I am totally depraved, but forgiven through His sacrifice.

I didn't create this blog to talk about music, I created this to talk about Scripture. But sometimes music, like the events of our lives, drives us to Scripture.

2 Corinthians 5:21 "God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God."

Isaiah 53...the entire chapter, look it up. Or post a comment with your e-mail addy and I'll get it to you.

As you approach this Resurrection Sunday and Good Friday, and attend the services at your church, keep these in mind. He didn't go to the cross and suffer the shame and indignation for the faceless masses...He did it for YOU!

Sola Scriptura


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